Women Should Be Selling

Women Should Be Selling

When I tell other women I’m in sales, most of them cringe. Their first reaction is “I could never do sales,” or “I’m not the pushy, salesy type.” For a very long time this really bothered me. At the same time, I know why they feel that way. Women are nurturers; we...
Being Coachable Changed My Life

Being Coachable Changed My Life

I recently read a meme on social media: Ten things that require zero talent to be Successful. The one that stood out to me immediately—Be Coachable It spoke to me. Until recently, I didn’t understand the concept of coaching. After being a person who was coached I...
Proven Technique to Beat Procrastination

Proven Technique to Beat Procrastination

A Proven Technique for Overcoming Procrastination   Procrastination. We all do it. In fact, if you procrastinate, congratulations! That means your mind is working perfectly, like a well-oiled machine. Until recently, I considered myself a natural born procrastinator....