We Are Amazing Communicators

We Are Amazing Communicators

Welcome to the first in a five-part blog series on behavioral types and how, with intentional practice, you can utilize them to grow your business. If you are passionate about helping your clients lead happier, healthier lives, you must understand how to best serve...
Who Needs Your Product?

Who Needs Your Product?

Who Needs Your Product? If you don’t believe everyone needs your product, then you need to find a new product to sell —Zig Ziglar I love listening to books in my car through Audible. I used to love listening to the news while I was in the car to stay up to date on...
Women Should Be Selling

Women Should Be Selling

When I tell other women I’m in sales, most of them cringe. Their first reaction is “I could never do sales,” or “I’m not the pushy, salesy type.” For a very long time this really bothered me. At the same time, I know why they feel that way. Women are nurturers; we...
Being Coachable Changed My Life

Being Coachable Changed My Life

I recently read a meme on social media: Ten things that require zero talent to be Successful. The one that stood out to me immediately—Be Coachable It spoke to me. Until recently, I didn’t understand the concept of coaching. After being a person who was coached I...
Proven Technique to Beat Procrastination

Proven Technique to Beat Procrastination

A Proven Technique for Overcoming Procrastination   Procrastination. We all do it. In fact, if you procrastinate, congratulations! That means your mind is working perfectly, like a well-oiled machine. Until recently, I considered myself a natural born procrastinator....